Friday, September 27, 2013

Pencil Sketches - Boxes


Decided to play with the patterns I could make with squares & boxes, and the outcome is as such.

When I posted this on Instagram, my very wild friend commented:

"#somethingisbotheringyou #ilearnpsychology"

Hahahaha! Ya, it could be my work? I'm not sure, but I was really focusing in making the pattern, without thinking about my work in the process of finishing it.

Oh, nevermind la.

Pencil Sketches - Melaka Red House

Well, I still love sketching buildings.

Probably because I can sketch better buildings than portraits. Ultimately, I want to be good in all. So I guess as I continue my momentum in drawing, the objective will still achieve.

I did my sketch on Melaka Red House: 


It's based on the photo in google below:


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Acrylic Painting - Sultan Abdul Samad Building

Acrylic Painting - Sultan Abdul Samad Building

I have completed basic drawing techniques in MIA & basic colouring skills. 

Now, Miss Sia gave us a list of themes that we will be completing throughout our lesson. It includes: Building, Portrait, Abstract, Garden and many more.

Without knowing the difficulties, I've chosen the one I always wanted to master - Building. 

The building I picked was - Sultan Abdul Samad Building

(This is not the original picture, was taken from here)

I must say, the picture I chose to paint looks easy but in fact, was a lot more challenging!

Let me tell you why.
First, the picture was taken from bottom,
Secondly, it was taken from the side of building.
Thirdly, it has so many different lines and designs on the building, which is the one that makes it unique.

When it comes to drawing, it has 3 angle to focus at.

To draw this, I had to join all the slanting lines into 3 points at the original picture. Then at my drawing pad, I put 3 dots and draw lines. 

It took me 2 hours to complete the drawing. I was damn exhausted after the class. 

Well, thanks to Miss Sia, I've managed to complete the art in 3 weeks:

There are leftover paints and I thought it was quite wasted to dump it. So I decided to paint at the other half of page freely: 

The amazing effect I created without expectations and intentions:


Pencil Sketches - Osaka Castle

Long awaited 3 days holidays finally arrived. 

Oh yes~

Saw this Osaka castle in the star and it stirred my interest to sketch on it. 

Osaka Castle:

My Sketch:


1st Acrylic Painting

Started my first lesson of acrylic painting.
We were required to draw and paint the jug & a transparent glass. Both were chosen as mapping is required to draw out the reflection on their surfaces and subsequently paint it. 

First week I've done this:

Second week I moved to adding items on same page.

And, tata! There goes my first painting: