Sunday, August 25, 2013

Pencil Sketches - Kylemore Church

Another week has passed and i'm counting down to my Redang trip in October and my long leaves in November =)

It's been my 3 months being a student of MIA. Even though I don't see much improvement on my art work, I can feel my drawing is getting better. 

But, it's still yet-to-improve art work lahhhhh.

I saw this beautiful church picture on newspaper and has decided to give it a sketch.

It's Kylemore Church in Ireland.  

I personally think this is one of the better sketch work I've produced so far. 

Though it has many flaws in it. Haha.

It's Sunday, another working week ahead. 

Enjoy the night =)

Pencil Sketches - Random

The aftermath of 4 days holidays ->

This is actually mountain view, but I guess I failed in sketching the rocks. haha

While this, was done free hand. I wasn't satisfied with the first draw and thus decided to just draw whatever that came across my mind.

Yes, I love tree =)

But I'm still figuring the right technique to sketch it.

Anyway, cheers!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Pencil Sketches - Scenery in Taiwan2

Thankful as a Malaysian that we get to celebrate festive seasons together. 

Well, in other words it means extra holidays :D 

Selamat Hari Raya to my friends !!!

4 days of Raya holidays have finally come to an end. Its an relaxing holidays as my family and I din go beyond than Klang Valley district. I was kinda slack today, having no mood to work and read. 

Thus, I decided to sketch.

I used charcoal pencil in my previous sketches. This time, I tried mixture of 2B pencil and charcoal on the first sketch and purely 2B pencil on the second.

Enjoy your day guys !

Pencil Sketches - Scenery in Taiwan

Sketching is the skill that I always wish to have in me. I'm not born with talent, therefore I have to slowly build up the foundation of sketching by attending to my weekly art class at MIA :) 

Though I'm currently specializing on Acrylic Paint (over water colour and Oil Paint) in MIA, I believe that building colour sense would greatly contribute to improving my sketching too. 

Of course, 
I love art as a whole. It's just that out of so many branches of art, I'm in love more with sketching. 

I guess the main reason lies with its lite and easy tools where I just need a pencil and a sketch pad (or simply a paper) to produce a beautiful artwork at anywhere as long as I spot good scenery to sketch. I love being simple, that's why sketch suits me. 

Hence, I bought a set of sketch pad + charcoal pencils + charcoal sticks + eraser + stump in KLCC Book Fest that cost me only RM20 last Monday. 

Here are my yet-to-improve artwork: 

I posted this on Instagram and my ex-colleague commented, "Title: Butterfly going to die". Hahahaha.

Another friend of mine commented, "I can see a pig face in the draw". (=__= Hello ... pig is not meant to appear there larrrr.)

Well, there r more improvement needed certainly.

I believe with the help of art class + regular practice of sketching, I'm able to produce better artwork in future :)
