Saturday, August 10, 2013

Pencil Sketches - Scenery in Taiwan

Sketching is the skill that I always wish to have in me. I'm not born with talent, therefore I have to slowly build up the foundation of sketching by attending to my weekly art class at MIA :) 

Though I'm currently specializing on Acrylic Paint (over water colour and Oil Paint) in MIA, I believe that building colour sense would greatly contribute to improving my sketching too. 

Of course, 
I love art as a whole. It's just that out of so many branches of art, I'm in love more with sketching. 

I guess the main reason lies with its lite and easy tools where I just need a pencil and a sketch pad (or simply a paper) to produce a beautiful artwork at anywhere as long as I spot good scenery to sketch. I love being simple, that's why sketch suits me. 

Hence, I bought a set of sketch pad + charcoal pencils + charcoal sticks + eraser + stump in KLCC Book Fest that cost me only RM20 last Monday. 

Here are my yet-to-improve artwork: 

I posted this on Instagram and my ex-colleague commented, "Title: Butterfly going to die". Hahahaha.

Another friend of mine commented, "I can see a pig face in the draw". (=__= Hello ... pig is not meant to appear there larrrr.)

Well, there r more improvement needed certainly.

I believe with the help of art class + regular practice of sketching, I'm able to produce better artwork in future :)


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