Saturday, April 26, 2014

Acrylic Painting - Insect

Acrylic Painting - Insect

I used the leftover paint for this ->

Pencil Sketches - London Bridge

Pencil Sketches - London Bridge

London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down ....

My sketch =>

Pencil Sketching - Eiffel Tower & My friend

Pencil Sketching - Eiffel Tower & My friend

(Backdated drawing)

The above sketching subject was a birthday gift to my friend who thought my skills have improved a lot. 

Well, since she doesn't mind my not-so-pro art work, I don't mind drawing for her too.

The Eiffel Tower was okay ...  

But not her portrait ..

It doesn't look like her and in overall, the ratio is out. 

I have to improve my portrait sketching skill. 

And my friend laughed when I showed her this. Haha. 

Acrylic Painting - Tiger

Acrylic Painting - Tiger

I love abstract painting because it gives me a total freedom in my colour selection. I came across many paintings (especially oil painting) that are very explosive or colourful in other words. 

(Explosive Painting is something like this)

However, my portrait is not up to standard yet. Thus, I decided to paint an animal instead. I don't know why tiger came across my mind thus I looked for a close up version of tiger over google and started to paint it. 

I decided to use orange as a medium colour, peach as lightest, red as darker, dark brown as darkest. However, I decided that painting peach was quite dull therefore I switched to yellow. 

It took my entire afternoon nap time to complete it.

Even though it still looks a bit conservative and doesn't reach my expectation for an explosive painting, I'm happy to see the end result and also the experience I've gained in this paint.

Enjoy =) 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Pen Sketching - Petaling Street

Petaling Street

Ok I guess I'm temporary addicted to Pen Sketching. I went on to sketch and sketch.

The 2 sketches below are scenery found in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

 Petaling Street

The famous wantan noodle stall at Petaling Street - Gun Gei (冠记)

1st Pen Sketching - KL's Landscape

Knowing my interest in sketching, my Art Teacher has twice encouraged me to google for "Urban Sketchers". 

And so, I did it yesterday. Basically, Urban Sketchers are a group of people(artist) who gather at one location to practice sketching on the landscape.

I observed that most of the sketches were done by pen and the effect turned out to be surprisingly nicer than pencil. 

Then I went on and google(again, haha) bout pen sketching.

Thus, this morning I decided to put my work aside, bought ink pen and immediately started my pen sketching. 

This was my first time drawing with pen. I've never brave to draw with pen, as correction is not tolerated. I have low confidence to myself that I prefer pencil as I can always have eraser to rub all the flaws and redraw again and again. However with pen, that's not allowed. Every correction/redraw will certainly have left mark. 

I guess practise makes perfection.

So below are my drawings on the KL scenery. The lines lari a bit, I guess that's because I didn't plan my work properly. 

Just more practises I believe I may produce a better artwork =)   

Sultan Abdul Samad & Menara Dayabumi

The hub of bus station in KL

Pencil Sketches - Roommates Hostel in Penang, Malaysia

Pencil Sketching - Roommates Hostel in Penang, Malaysia

I enjoyed my 2 nights in this hostel in Penang. To show my appreciation to the workers and owner, I spent few hours sketching during the last night of my stay and gave it to Roommates's owner .

There are too many details I had to include in my sketch, which explains why I had to spend 3 hours for this. 

It's one of the most satisfying sketch I've produced so far, and I love it =)

Roommates promised me to frame my sketch on the wall. Hope I can see it when I pay a visit next time!

Acrylic Painting - Nike's shoe

Acrylic Painting - Nike's shoe

My art exercise - to draw an iconic items, where at one glance, people would know what brand it is.  

I googled for many branded items i.e Coca-Cola, 7 Up, 100 plus, Nike, Adidas, etc and I have chosen Nike. 

To me, Nike is famous for its shoes. I love their shoes' design, it's always so striking and outstanding among other brands. Therefore, I searched for the most beautiful shoes I could find and tata, the below painting -> 

Acrylic Painting - Tropical Plants

Acrylic Painting - Tropical Plants

One of the subjects I have to fulfill in my art lesson. 

First of all, I had to paint the background with a middle green. Then, slowly grow the trees and plants one by one. 

It's not a easy task as before this, I painted exactly according to the picture but this time, I had to crop some of the plants and decide where should I place them. 

In terms of colour selection is tough too because I had to segregate the plant/tree's colour with the background colour. In other words, I had to either choose a lighter than background's green or darker. 

Well, honestly I don't really enjoy this exercise, but indeed, the skills and knowledge I learnt will benefit in my next painting. 

Acrylic Painting - Rise of Guardian

Acrylic Painting - Rise of Guardian

I love this animate so much ! It's been a year plus since I last watched this movie. 

Out of the sudden I missed all the characters so much and decided to paint them all =)

Btw, I love Sandy Man !

Pencil Sketches - Random sketch from newspaper

Random sketch =)

Pencil Sketches - 半泽直树




Pencil Sketches - Avril Lavigne

Avril Lavigne

She's my favourite Rock Singer ! 

I'm not good in portrait sketching, but sketching of her unexpectedly turned out to be not bad. Haha, self-praised. 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Pencil Sketches - Jack Frost

Jack Frost

Last year, I missed 'Rise of the Guardian' so much until I painted the characters and even drew Jack Frost as below. 

It doesn't perfectly look like him in cartoon, apologize to Jack Frost's fans. 

(I have tried my best ! )

Pencil Sketches - Fisherman Fishing

 Fisherman Fishing

I drew this during my stay at 'Roommates Guest House', Penang.