Saturday, April 26, 2014

Acrylic Painting - Tiger

Acrylic Painting - Tiger

I love abstract painting because it gives me a total freedom in my colour selection. I came across many paintings (especially oil painting) that are very explosive or colourful in other words. 

(Explosive Painting is something like this)

However, my portrait is not up to standard yet. Thus, I decided to paint an animal instead. I don't know why tiger came across my mind thus I looked for a close up version of tiger over google and started to paint it. 

I decided to use orange as a medium colour, peach as lightest, red as darker, dark brown as darkest. However, I decided that painting peach was quite dull therefore I switched to yellow. 

It took my entire afternoon nap time to complete it.

Even though it still looks a bit conservative and doesn't reach my expectation for an explosive painting, I'm happy to see the end result and also the experience I've gained in this paint.

Enjoy =) 

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