Sunday, April 20, 2014

1st Pen Sketching - KL's Landscape

Knowing my interest in sketching, my Art Teacher has twice encouraged me to google for "Urban Sketchers". 

And so, I did it yesterday. Basically, Urban Sketchers are a group of people(artist) who gather at one location to practice sketching on the landscape.

I observed that most of the sketches were done by pen and the effect turned out to be surprisingly nicer than pencil. 

Then I went on and google(again, haha) bout pen sketching.

Thus, this morning I decided to put my work aside, bought ink pen and immediately started my pen sketching. 

This was my first time drawing with pen. I've never brave to draw with pen, as correction is not tolerated. I have low confidence to myself that I prefer pencil as I can always have eraser to rub all the flaws and redraw again and again. However with pen, that's not allowed. Every correction/redraw will certainly have left mark. 

I guess practise makes perfection.

So below are my drawings on the KL scenery. The lines lari a bit, I guess that's because I didn't plan my work properly. 

Just more practises I believe I may produce a better artwork =)   

Sultan Abdul Samad & Menara Dayabumi

The hub of bus station in KL

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